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Enterprise Africa Intl. is a premium B2B E-Commerce shop bringing international brands to Africa. We offer a range of quality products from various industries.

Why you should sell your products on the Enterprise Africa E-Commerce Platform: 
  • Risk-free market entry in Africa 
  • Secure payments
  • German speaking customer service
  • 20 years of experience in African markets
  • Leverage the growth potential of E-Commerce in Africa
  • B2B wholesale - Sell large quantities to companies
  • Risk-free shipping through our experienced logistics partners
  • Choice between dropshipping and warehousing
  • Market your products in the major economic hubs in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique


Enterprise Africa is a perfect solution for foreign suppliers, wholesalers and manufacturers interested in selling their products in African markets. We ensure minimal risk as your brand grows in Southern Africa - all with the help of our sophisticated E-Commerce tools and with a minimum of investment.

Customs & Import regulations in South Africa - What you need to know

The customs regulations in South Africa state that companies who intend to import goods to South Africa need to be registered as an importer with the South African Revenue Service "SARS" and then apply for an import permit with the International Trade Administration Commission "ITAC"
An import permit ensures that the goods you want to import meet the country's safety, quality, environmental and health requirements. They must also comply with the provisions of international agreements.
With Enterprise Africa you don't need to worry about any of these regulations - we do it all for you!  

E-Commerce in South Africa Overview:

Revenue in E-Commerce projected to be ZAR 66,55 billion (€3,87 billion) in 2021 showing a 13,4% growth from 2020. Revenue is expected to show an average annual growth rate of 8.16% from 2021 to 2025, resulting in a projected market volume of ZAR 93,76 billion (€4,29 billion) by 2025.


Our secure payment options: