Enterprise Africa Blog

The African continent has experienced exponential growth in recent years, driven by the digital revolution and adoption of newer technologies. The widespread adoption of mobile technology is a major contributor to Africa's growth, with the Sub-Saharan African mobile economy set to contribute $184 billion to the region's GDP by 2024. The digital revolution has opened doors for new route-to-market strategies, with e-commerce seeing particular growth in the region. Digital marketing has become essential for companies to build and maintain brand awareness and push sales, with social media being an essential tool to master. The rise of digital payments presents new opportunities for technological companies wishing to expand into Africa, with local digital payment platforms easing the transaction process for companies in Africa. To succeed in the African market, companies must establish a clear route-to-market strategy and respect the local market when promoting their products. With the digital revolution and growth in mobile connectivity, Africa presents a range of opportunities for e-commerce success.

Capitalising from E-commerce in South Africa
Commercial brands operating in Africa can use e-commerce platforms and logistics chains to diversify their businesses and better serve their customers. In fact, if brands want to remain competitive, they have no option but to keep up with consumer demands which are to position their brands and products where consumers are spending their time – which is online – both on social media and on eCommerce channels.

Digital Marketing: creating Brand Awareness and improving conversions
Successfully implementing digital marketing requires a deep understanding of customer behavior and the different digital channels. It is important to coordinate the different digital marketing channels and connect them to each other.

Mobile payments - MTN overtakes M-Pesa to become Africas largest provider
Mobile payments contribute to financial inclusion in African countries where many people still do not have a bank account. Mobile payment solutions have been on the rise in Africa for the last years.

Dropshipping vs. Local Warehousing
Global eCommerce has been on the rise in previous years and its growth has been further accelerated by the Covid pandemic. This has led to many companies wanting to market & sell their products and services online.

Exclusive interview with The Swiss Business Hub - highlighting easy market entry through e-commerce
The B2B market in South Africa is one of the most interesting in the world. In this article you will find out how you can export to Africa, enter African markets like South Africa, and realise opportunities without risk.

Top 10 Advantages of using a B2B E-Commerce platform
Digitalisation is a current development in many people’s personal lives as well as in the business world. As more and more processes and industries are being digitalised...

How to benefit from B2B-wholesale to South Africa
Products that end consumers buy from a retailer normally run through a number of B2B transactions before they end up with the retailer...

E-Commerce - What is the difference between B2C and B2B?
B2B buyers usually buy with the aim of strengthening their own company or business through the purchase, while B2C buyers buy for personal purposes...