Enterprise Africa Blog

Private Labeling South Africa – Great opportunities for exporters
Private labeling within South Africa’s FMCG retail sector was historically driven by corporate retailers and embraced by South African shoppers. However, over the past few years, private labeling has also..

Customs, Import and Export regulations of Kenya
To import goods into Kenya, an importer must use the services of a clearing agent who will process import documents electronically through the Kenya Customs Simba 2005 system and clear the goods on your behalf.

Exclusive interview with The Swiss Business Hub - highlighting easy market entry through e-commerce
The B2B market in South Africa is one of the most interesting in the world. In this article you will find out how you can export to Africa, enter African markets like South Africa, and realise opportunities without risk.

Customs regulations, import regulations and export regulations of Nigeria
The customs and excise tariff of the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) is based on the nomenclature of the Customs Cooperation Council (CCCN). Customs duties are either specific or ad valorem, depending on the goods ...

Customs regulations, import regulations and export regulations of South Africa
Customs, Import and Export regulations can be tricky. Find out about South Africa's regulations regarding Customs, Import and Export with Enterprise Africa International.

Direct vs. Indirect exporting to Africa – Which is best for your business?
A good way for companies to expand is by exporting to new markets. By exporting, companies can enter new markets, gain market shares and..

Top 10 Tips for SME E-Commerce Exporters:
E-Commerce has been growing rapidly over the last few years with a growth rate in the US of 44% in 2020. The global E-Commerce sales...

Export from Germany to Africa: A guide for German SME Exporters
Germany is one of the world’s largest exporters, distributing cars, machinery, aircraft, pharmaceuticals and medical apparatus all over the world...

Africa - The Export market of the future
Africa's economic situation is changing rapidly. Therefore, it is worthwhile to look at the continent as an export market ...